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DiHe was born in Voltaggio on July 16th 1589 in his family palace (now Battilana). He showed his aptitude for painting when he was still young. He started as apprentice in Genoa in the G.B.Paggi’s shop with Fiasella. He studied and reproduced different works of the great artists of his time, taking his inspiration from the greatest Flemish artists, especially from Albrect Durer. In 1604 he settled in Genoa where he dedicated his full time to painting, preferring subjects such as flowers, animals or landscapes. His works in oils, drawings, miniatures and engravings are huge. In 1619 he became painter at the court of Carlo Emanuele I of Savoy where he lived until 1625; he moved back to Genoa, when the War between Genoa and the Duchy of Piedmont broke out. He was accused of espionage, arrested, imprisoned and sentenced to exile in Rome. Two years later the Senate approved his petition and revoked the exile: he was then back to Voltaggio. In 1631 Sinibaldo Scorza died prematurely at the age of 42. His paintings are throughout the Italian and foreign Museums: we find some of them at the National Gallery in Edinburgh, in New York, by Suidas Flanning collection, in Paris, Lille, and in Krakow, Poland, where the main collection of his drawings are kept. His works belong to different private collections located in Genoa, kept in the Ligurian Academy of Fine Arts, in the Galleria Durazzo Pallavicini, Palazzo Reale, Palazzo Bianco and Palazzo Rosso. In our Art Gallery we have one masterpiece of this great painter of Voltaggio: “Christ comforted by the angels”.